This year PPFITNESS has gone above and beyond our goals for 2017.
Not only did we open MOBILITY, our brand new sports rehab practice in Woodstock, but we have seen growth in our clients and been very busy growing our list of events. 35 + events in a single year is no small feat for a company that is meant to be in its growth phase.
We have provided treatments from weekend warrior trail runners to the elites of international rugby. This small company is on a roll and we have no intention of stopping anytime soon. 2017 is not over yet and next on our impressive calendar is the Cape Town leg of the World Trail Series, Ultra Trail Cape Town, which will happen on the 2nd of December. This event boasts some of the best trail runners on the globe and showcases the beautiful Table Mountain and surrounds. 100 kilometers of everything Cape Town has to offer and we will have teams giving complimentary sports massages at main water points and the finish line. Feel free to come talk to our therapists. We also have a few surprises to come before year end. Watch this space...
Here is a list of just some of the events we covered this year...
Silver Ferns - New Zealand netball team
Tankwa Trek MTB
Old Mutual VIP marquee recovery zone
Cape Epic MTB
all Super Rugby teams touring SA
New Zealand (world number 1 rugby team)
Top 14 rugby sides (new concept to SA)
Spur trail summer and winter series
Wildrunner mountain challenges
Cape trek Pioneer MTB
BergnBush MTB
Wines2Whales MTB
Just to name a few.
So keep an eye on this team, we going places, fast.