Blues Super Rugby
This year, PPfitness has again been fortunate enough to be asked to work with some of the biggest teams in rugby. For the last 15years PPfitness has supplied our services to rugby teams from across the world.
Last week we supplied a team of therapists to the Auckland Blues Rugby Union Team. As always this was a great opportunity to work with some of the top professionals in the world.
It is always great to be part of an elite squad, and even better to work alongside them on game day.
From myself and Jodie, I would firstly like to thank the therapists that where contracted to the job, you all worked very well and the feedback we received was great.
Secondly, and most importantly, I would like to thank The Blues Staff for giving PPfitness the opportunity. Richard, Stephen, Plums and Ash, thank you.
We look forward to working with you in the future.
Good Luck for the rest of your tournament.